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2026 Tailang Swami Jayanti date for Tiraspol, Stinga Nistrului, Moldova


2026 Tailang Swami Jayanti

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Tiraspol, Moldova
Tailang Swami Jayanti

Trailanga Swami
Tailang Swami

About Tailang Swami Jayanti

No Tailang Swami Jayanti in the year 2026

Notes: All timings are represented in 24+ hour notation in local time of Tiraspol, Moldova with DST adjustment (if applicable).
Hours past midnight are higher than 24:00 and fall on next day. In Panchang day starts and ends with sunrise.

Shri Tailang Swami Jayanti 2026

Tailang Swami (1607-1887 C.E.) was a great Hindu Yogi, who has divine powers. For most of his life Tailang Swami stayed in Varanasi, India. It is believed that Tailang Swami was an incarnation of Lord Shiva due to which few disciples referred him as The Walking Shiva of Varanasi. Tailang Swami lived a very long life of around 280 years. Tailang Swami was also known as Telang Swami and Trailanga Swami.

Tailang Swami was born in Holia at Vizianagaram in Andhra Pradesh. His parents, the devotees of Lord Shiva, named him Shivarama. His parents died when he was 40 years old. After death of his parents he renounced the society and did spiritual practice for twenty years. Later he went on a pilgrimage. It is believed that he reached Prayag in 1733 and got settled down in Varanasi in the year 1737.

His birth anniversary is celebrated as per Hindu lunar calendar and falls on Ekadashi Tithi in the month of Pausha during Shukla Paksha. The day of his birth anniversary coincides with Pausha Putrada Ekadashi.

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