Sunrise05:56 AM
Sunset08:00 PM
Moonrise09:50 PM
Moonset10:14 AM
Shaka Samvat1855 Shrimukha
Lunar MonthShravana
WeekdayBudhan (Wednesday)
PakshaKrishna Paksha
TithiChathurthi upto 08:46 AM
NakshathramUthrattathi upto 06:14 PM
YogaDhriti upto 04:48 AM, Aug 10
KaranaPuli upto 08:46 AM
KaranaPanni upto 08:41 PM
Rahu Kalam12:58 PM to 02:44 PM
Gulikai Kalam11:13 AM to 12:58 PM
Yamaganda07:41 AM to 09:27 AM
Dur Muhurtam12:30 PM to 01:26 PM
Amrit Kalam01:22 PM to 03:00 PM
Anandadi YogaLambaka upto 06:14 PM
Tamil YogaMarana upto 06:14 PM
Anandadi YogaUthpatha
Tamil YogaMarana
Notes: All timings are represented in 12-hour notation in local time of Fairfield, United States with DST adjustment (if applicable).
Hours which are past midnight are suffixed with next day date. In Panchang day starts and ends with sunrise.