First of all after taking bath etc. devotee should sit at clean place facing his face towards east or north. Then taking water in his right hand by five-vessel (पञ्चपात्र) and sprinkle it on himself.
Om Apavitrah Pavitro Va Sarvavastham Gatoapi Va।
Yah Smaret Pundarikaksham Sa Bahyabhyantarah Shuchih॥
मन्त्र अर्थ - चाहे पवित्र हो (स्नान आदि से) अथवा अपवित्र हो (किसी अशुचि पदार्थ के स्पर्श से), किसी भी दशा में हो (सोती, जागती, उठती, बैठती, चलती), जो परमात्मा (पञ्च परमेष्ठी) का स्मरण करता है वह (उस समय) बाह्य (शरीर) और अभ्यन्तर (मन) से पवित्र होता है।
Mantra Translation - Both pure and impure, passing through the conditions of material life, if remember the lotus-eyed Lord, then one becomes externally and internally clean.
Thereafter again take water in right hand by five-vessel as Achamana for three times.
Om Atma-Tattvam Shodhayami Svaha।
Om Vidya-Tattvam Shodhayami Svaha।
Om Shiva-Tattvam Shodhayami Svaha।