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Shravana Nakshatra in Hindu Astrology


Shravana Nakshatra

About Shravana Nakshatra

Shravana Nakshatra

Shravana Nakshatra - Shravana is the twenty-second Nakshatra in Vedic astrology ranging from 10° to 23°20' Makara.

Symbol - The symbol of this Nakshatra is three footprints or ear.

Astronomical Name - The astronomical names of this Nakshatra are α, β and γ Aquilae.

Deity of Nakshatra - Vishnu, the preserver of the universe is the deity of Shravana Nakshatra.

Ruling Planet - Shravana Nakshatra is ruled by Chandra (the planet Moon).

Others - Shravana translates as 'the hearing' with the primary symbol being an ear. It is a Deva or godly Nakshatra that has the capacity to hear the astral sounds of Krishna's flute, the celestial bells or the cosmic Om. The natives of this Nakshatra usually have brilliant minds and the capacity to study other cultures and spiritual dimensions.

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