Sunrise07:52 AM
Sunset05:32 PM
Moonrise07:28 PM
Moonset09:17 AM
Noon12:42 PM
NakshatraAshlesha upto 12:46 AM, Jan 16 (31.8%)
YogaPriti upto 03:17 PM (67.5%)
MoonsignKarka upto 12:46 AM, Jan 16 (69.2%)
TithiDvitiya upto 04:53 PM (62.5%)
Lahiri Ayanamsha24.213627
Arunodaya TithiDvitiya
PakshaKrishna Paksha
MonthMadhava Masa (Magha)
Brahma Muhurta06:16 AM to 07:04 AM
Sunrise Sandhya07:28 AM to 08:16 AM
Noon Sandhya12:18 PM to 01:06 PM
Sunset Sandhya05:08 PM to 05:56 PM
Notes: All timings are represented in 12-hour notation in local time of Columbus, United States with DST adjustment (if applicable).
Hours which are past midnight are suffixed with next day date. In Panchang day starts and ends with sunrise.
This Vaisnava Calendar for ISKCON has been created independent of Gaurabda Calendar or GCal published by GBC Vaisnava Calendar Committee of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON). However it follows same rules as those followed by GCal. Ideally both calendars should match and if you find any mismatch it might be due to software error in either of the software.